BEST final seminars September 2020
BEST Project Final Seminars were arranged as parallel national events in the participating countries. Seminars were mainly in the local language, but some presentations were streamed from other countries and were therefore in English. Below links to the presentations in English, and more information about the local seminars.

BEST Project, main goals and outputs, project manager Kajsa Rosqvist, City of Helsinki VIDEO LINK
Assessment of the current situation in the industrial wastewater management in the Baltic Sea Region, Dr. Sandis Dejus, Riga Technical University VIDEO LINK
Guidelines for management of industrial wastewaters, Eero Makkonen, Afry Finland Oy VIDEO LINK
HELCOM for wastewater management, Dmitry Frank-Kamenetsky, HELCOM VIDEO LINK

National seminars
Põltsamaa, Estonia, 17th of September 2020 LINK
Helsinki, Finland, 25th of September 2020 LINK
Warsaw, Poland, 29th of September 2020 LINK
Kaliningrad, Russia, 29th of September 2020 LINK
Riga, Latvia, 30th of September 2020 LINK